

Updated AGP2015 Databases

Important News Regarding the APG2015 Databases

I have just posted a set of new AGP2015 database files for both volumes in V11 and V10 format that corrects the excessive strikeout issue in the original version.  Everyone who made a purchase should receive an e-mail announcement along with a download link good for five (5) new downloads.

If you have not received this e-mail, contact me at so that I can make sure you receive the updated files. If you have any other questions regarding the new database files, you can also contact me at the same address.


We apologize for any inconvenience this has created for you.


DMBJim-Jim Wheeler

How Do I Print a Manager Profile Report?


Open a team's roster and click on the MP Report tab

Next, click on File/Print.  Make sure you have enough paper in your printer as it will print several pages.

Study of Jon Lester's Pick-Off Move

Earlier this week, DMB was contacted by ESPN Grantland to help with a study of Jon Lester's pick-off move.  In part, here is what the author says about Diamond Mind Baseball.

"For more reliable results, we’d have to run many more sims to quiet the statistical noise. Fortunately, we can do that with Diamond Mind, which was developed almost three decades ago by sabermetric pioneer Tom Tippett, who began consulting for the Red Sox in 2003, joined the team full time in 2009, and continues to serve as an informal adviser to the company that curates and updates his old software (probably because the Diamond Mind 2014 Red Sox usually win way more than 71 games)."
He then focuses the rest of the article on our results.  Here is a link to the entire article:

DMB's Future Products


Be a Part of Diamond Mind’s Future 

We’re planning the next generation of Diamond Mind Baseball products and technology, and we’d like your input.  If you’re a Diamond Mind customer and would like to be involved and provide feedback, we’d like your thoughts.  You can volunteer for customer input market research by emailing  Please include your name, and contact info (if we don’t already have it).

DPS1969 Available April 30, 2015


 New Deluxe Past Seasons Available on April 30, 2015 

The 1969 season is the most recent to get the Deluxe treatment – the DPS version of 1969 will be available on April 30, 2015.  When available, you can purchase the 1969 deluxe season in the online store for $24.95.   

If you already own the Classic Past Season of 1969, you can upgrade to Deluxe for $10.00.  To do so, send an email to  Once we’ve verified your ownership of the 1969 CPS, we’ll send you a promotional code so you can purchase the Deluxe version at the upgrade price.